Asbury Theological Seminary

Asbury Theological Seminary

In 1923, Henry Clay Morrison began Asbury Theological Seminary with a class of three students. He fashioned a seal for the seminary, which reads “The Whole Bible for the Whole World.” When Morrison founded Asbury Theological Seminary, his mission was “to prepare and send forth a well-trained, sanctified, Spirit-filled, evangelistic ministry” to spread scriptural holiness around the world. Asbury Seminary continues to hold to this mission, providing holistic ministerial preparation as an interdenominational institution. Nearly 100 years later, those three students grew into tens of thousands of graduates, who flourish in every state, on every continent, in every time zone. The seminary's goal is to reach the world through evangelism and missions, preaching, teaching, and counseling. The University offers traditional 4-year degrees and several Master’s degree options in business administration, media communication, and education. With satellite campuses in Florida, Tennessee, and Oklahoma, Asbury Seminary makes its mark in miraculous ways.


204 North Lexington Avenue, Wilmore

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